Comparison of Intuit Quickbooks Financial Software Products

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Artificial Intelligence in Transportation

Artificial Intelligence may seem as if it only exists in Science Fiction movies with such examples as Terminator, Star Wars, and The Matrix. However, Artificial Intelligence, or AI, may soon become a reality as science has been making important advances in this field of work. By definition, AI is the study of man-made computational devices and systems which can be made to act in a manner which we would be inclined to call intelligent [1]. In order for a machine to be considered 'intelligent' is must be able to "perform computations to achieve goals in the world" [2].The use of AI in the world would be exponential in terms of simplifying daily life. One field in particular that has seen tremendous advancement as well as publicity is transportation. AI in transportation has great possibilities to vastly improve the way drive and commute, including safer conditions.

Google, Inc. recently has made headlines for creating and testing cars that can drive by themselves. These cars are able to navigate through roads with the development and use of artificial intelligence software. This software can reportedly "sense anything near the car and mimic the decisions made by a human driver" [3]. In testing, engineers reported that "seven cars have driven 1,000 miles without human intervention and the only accident was when one Google car was rear-ended while stopped at a traffic light" [3]. In theory, autonomous cars driven with AI software will ultimately eliminate traffic accidents from the roads. This is stemmed from the idea that the computer will constantly be at attention while in drive, while even the human mind often wanders and causes accidents, fatally and otherwise. In addition, AI cars will have speed limits programmed and well as internal GPS's. This will ultimately take away speeding and getting lost. 

While this can be beneficial in terms of safety, can the computer within the car be trusted all the time? Even with the ability for humans to interfere with the driving, the computer still has the potential to short out or fail, as many computers today still do. This would pose possibly a greater threat than even a regular traffic accident because your car will be powered by a computer that may experience severe electrical problems. Even in the safest of cars, "autonomous cars are dependent on sensor-technology...the safety starts to break down when dealing with unexpected situations" [4]. 

While the technology is still new and being researched, scientists will need to address the potential threat of computer failure with these driver-less cars. It may take extremely superior technology in order for humans to relinquish control of the car. However, even if these cars eventually do become fail-proof, will they stand a chance on the market? Driver-less cars eliminate the need to drive, which is proven hobby of many individuals. Will people gladly give this up? In addition, it is possible that mechanics will need to go through extensive schooling and become somewhat engineers in order to be qualified to fix the new smart cars. This will virtually eliminate an entire trade. While the idea of AI cars seems bright in terms of safety, scientists and engineers have miles to go before perfecting this technology, and even then the market for these cars remains questionable. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Knowledge Management Systems in Google, Inc.

            Knowledge Management Systems or KM Systems are integral in businesses that have the need for a program to accurately organize and store information for the company. According to Princeton University, “the idea of a KM system is to enable employees to have ready access to the organization’s documented base of facts, sources of information, and solutions” [1]. KM Systems are therefore extremely effective at organizing information for the company and allowing the company to be constantly ‘learning’ and therefore growing. A growing company is host to a wealth of knowledge that allows for the constant advancement and development of the company. One of the best examples of a company that uses a KM System is Google, Inc.
            Google, Inc. prides itself on being “the perfect search engine” [2]. In essence, Google, Inc. has built its company based on their service as a KM System. Google is the general public’s Knowledge Management System with their goal being “to make it as easy as possible for you to find the information you need and get the things you need to do done” [2]. While Google, Inc. is the world’s KMS, Google uses their own KM System in order to bring this service to the public. Google’s success lies in their ability to research and organize information and have it conveniently located when searched by a user. Google has far surpassed other search engines because of their accessibility and wealth of knowledge, a far more important asset. An important use of a KM System within the Google Corporation is the “use of KM to find out about the latest trends and needs of the consumer and to guide their employees in the correct direction of achieving their goals” [3]. Research is therefore an important component to the KM System established by Google in determining what the company will need to find information about. What are people searching for? What do people want to know? A KMS will effectively assess these questions and arrive at answers by which Google employees will look into further.
            Another important aspect of Google’s success as a brand is their quick, efficient results. These results are achieved through creative teams of nine people, governed by a one leader. [3] These groups of small numbers are driven by the desire to develop teams that are the most productive in research. These teams research, filter and organize information that can be searched with This strategy works because each team is small and focused, and the team members have been known to bond and create higher levels of trust and collaboration [3].

            While Google, Inc. is a leading Search Engine on the internet, it has made its success from being a KM System for the world. Yet their success lies in their internal KMS which is strongest in their research and management department. An organized system of Knowledge allows for a better approach to deciding what to put onto the Google search engine, in terms of researchers and content. Without a KMS in place, Google would surely fall behind leading competitors, such as Yahoo or Bing, due to consumer dissatisfaction with quick, accurate results.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

DSS Information: The Sports Industry

   While many are quick to exclude the Sports industry from the category of ‘business’, sports provide a steady revenue for this country which comes from many businesses that have been established in an effort to economize and gain profit from games.  Businesses surrounding the industry include betting and gambling businesses, as well as the major businesses such as Major League Baseball or National Football League. The major leagues, clubs, betting houses, as well as TV and Media companies are all driven by money, and a large part of the revenue is made is from televised sports. These businesses rely on Decision Support systems in order to continue to thrive. Decision Support Systems are useful when “the amount of available information is prohibitive for the intuition of an unaided human decision maker and in which precision and optimally are of importance” [3]. In sports, revenue is made when the right decisions are made. This includes using computer models to determine the weather or what type of referee would be optimal for the specific game.
                One example of a using DSS in the sports industry is deciding if weather conditions are safe to play in or not. According to the Journal of Computing, “DSS can be implemented through a number of algorithms based on the attributes…attributes that include outlook, temperature, humidity and wind” [1]. These attributes are important to note in a game when taking into account if a ball can fly through the air, if the players can run from base to base freely, or if rain will potentially cause injuries to the players. These factors are all important for the MLB or NFL when determine if games can be continued or played at all, factors that could cause major lawsuits or injuries if the wrong call is made. In addition, if you are in the booking business, knowing how the weather affects a players or teams ability to play is an important factor when making bets. A major DSS used to determine weather interference is the ID3 algorithm, which uses example weather and field conditions. The user inputs the current weather situation and based on previous instances, the program determines if the game should be played or not. This provides leagues and clubs to determine if the games can be played. It is important for this program to be accurate because its accuracy determines the safety and well-being of the players, as well as the onlookers.
                Another very important aspect of the sports industry that involved DSS is deciding the ideal way to referee a game. This can be very important to businesses because a bad call can cost a better his or her money, or the major corporations could lose money if referee decision accuracy is off. In a thesis written by colleagues at George Mason University, it estimated that “on average there are 627 decisions made by a referee per a 90 minute game…an analysis of 143 rules of the game was categorized by importance to the outcome of the game and frequency” [2]. With teams and players playing faster and harder than ever before, the need for better referees is required to continue to fulfill the requirements of the games. Three decision systems are typically used for up to date referees, which includes SkyCams which hover around the filed, two official referees on the field, and Segways which allow referees to increase their speed.  The three decision systems are chosen based on accuracy ratings based on game simulations. A decision system is picked based on its ability to satisfy the needs of the game. This is an important task based on the importance of sportsmanship and fairness, two imperative aspects to games.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Wi-Fi: Good or Bad?

Our lives are driven by fast-paced movement and constant engagement. In these times of highly intense day to day activity, being able to connect onto the Internet is imperative, even on the go. Much of our time is spent on the net, and therefore being able to connect wirelessly via handheld devices, laptops, or tablets is an important feature in today’s society. Wi-Fi has allowed electronic devices to connect to the internet wirelessly[1], allowing our fast-paced lifestyles to continue. The use of Wi-Fi can be accomplished when a network is set up from a provider, however most businesses have established a Wi-Fi service to attract customers. For example, Starbucks has introduced free Wi-fi through AT&T to encourage customers to stay in the store and buy more coffee versus other coffee shops that may not have it.
            Why is the market for Wi-Fi in demand? Why is it successful? According to a census done by the United States government in 2011, 75.6 percent of households were reported who used the computer and internet on a daily basis. Just five years ago that number was at 61.8%.[2] These numbers have skyrocketed as generations are being born with children who have always been exposed to the internet. However, old and young individuals are logging online and age does not seem to be an issue anymore. In a study from Carnegie Melon University, the university looked at what individuals were using the internet and why. Unsurprisingly enough, most reported “enjoying myself” as the main reason for internet usage, followed by “information about personal interests, reading the news, and staying in touch with friends and family”[3]. The internet provides a mind-numbing addictive escape into another world. The world online is so much more vast than reality. In a few clicks, one can connect with long lost friends, become a hero in a game, or use it as a short cut to take the easy way out. In short, Americans are using the internet as a way to escape from everyday life. However, this raises a question as to why people need an escape.
            While internet use has been on the rise, the amount of people suffering from mental disorders is also on the rise. Anxiety affects 6.8 million Americans, Panic disorder affects over 6 million, Social anxiety disorder affects a rousing 15 million Americans, and Major Depressive Disorder claims 14.8 million victims in this country and is the leading cause of disability[4]. The disorders listed also have high percentages of those who frequently use the internet. While the internet itself is not the cause for these specific disorders, it certainly doesn’t help. The internet allows an individual to become reclusive and avoids whatever demons he or she may be fighting off. Suffering from social anxiety? It is socially acceptable to hide behind a Facebook page and interact virtually. However, that person will never learn to combat their disorder. The internet is a mask for those who find themselves unable to deal with reality.
            While more Americans are using the internet to escape reality, when placed into a situation where one cannot hide behind a computer screen, Wi-Fi makes it possible to still get lost on the internet. Wi-Fi allows individuals to check e-mail, pour through a Facebook newsfeed, or get lost in a blog. While Wi-Fi can be beneficial in many situations, I believe the service is being abused by those who overdo it. Wi-Fi should be used responsibly and not as a way to avoid dealing with life.

Cloud Computing: What's the point?

In 2011, Apple, Inc. introduced iCloud as an upgraded feature for their iOS-based devices[1].  Apple users were then introduced to the idea of storing data that would back up the device on all devices owned by the user. Thus, Cloud computing went mainstream and became and a household word. However, Cloud computing is used by businesses, not just individuals, and it’s used for far more than just transferring MP3 files. Eric Griffith discussed ‘the cloud’ in an article for, claiming that “the cloud is just a metaphor for the internet”[2].  But what does the cloud do? And what does it mean for the future of technology and businesses? What does it mean the average Joe?
            Cloud computing, in its simplest terms, refers to the process of simultaneously synchronizing allowing you to access this information from any device you are currently logged on to. Apple’s iCloud works in such a way that any information processed and saved on a device, such as the iPhone, automatically synchronizes with your data stored other places. For example, with iCloud, the iPhone has the possibility to synchronize your email. Any emails you check, delete, or send from your iPhone will automatically be mirrored when you log into your account from your desktop PC or Mac. If you deleted a message on your iPhone, it is deleted on the internet. This is due to cloud computing.
            However, cloud computing for businesses is much different. Mostly, businesses use cloud computing for software within its own employees. This process is known as Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)[3]. Forbes magazine explains that this names this “software as the great equalizer”[4]. Simply, Saas takes software and makes it available to other businesses, perhaps ones on a smaller scale[5]. This is revolutionary. With the availability of new software readily accessible through the internet via cloud computing, small businesses are able to expand and grow on concept already in existence in order to create new technology that suits their growing needs. Forbes uses a prime example of Starbucks. The Seattle based coffee company created a mobile app that “cost millions and took a long time to develop”[6]. However, once Starbucks created this app, smaller coffee shops were able to use the same software to create a similar app for their own business, without the millions of dollars and time it took to develop.
            Cloud computing has been extremely important in the advancement of technology for both individuals and businesses. For individuals, cloud computing can increase peace of mind within the user, ultimately creating fluidity within one’s life. Working on one device without having to do extensive back up work and having all of your devices in symbiosis is important in moving forward. One user having multiple devices are now the norm, and no doubt a trend that is not about to dissipate in the near future. Therefore, the fluidity of devices working together is important for those working with multiple devices.  I believe that this advancement allows business to have a higher degree of camaraderie and fairness in all markets across the board. Allowing your business to share in software advancements such as apps allows for a better market for small businesses as well. In turn, our economy is able to thrive when more businesses are capitalizing from shared advancements.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Databases: What are they used for?

Databases are so often helpful for businesses to use because DB software programs easily organize information ultimately filing data  in a meaningful way. Businesses are often involved in markets that are constantly developing and growing, therefore a central database of information is helpful to keep track of useful information and to integrate new information. 

Accounting is a profession that is constantly being updated and revised by the Federal and State governments. These changes are important to note, especially when new laws are established regarding taxation. My firm currently subscribes to a database known as Financial Accounting Standards Codification (FASC), funded by the  Financial Accounting Standards Board. This database allows my firm to be kept up to date on revisions that may or may not effect our clients. The database allows searching and browsing specific topics, cross references to relevant information, archives depicting previous versions, a What's New tab to discuss the most recent changes, and well as an option to create your own annotations and notes [1]. 

While the FASC is used to develop standards within the field of accounting that works closely with GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles), it is known as "the authority on financial accounting" [2]. Currently, the FASC has authority in financial statements, enforcing accounting standards, and recommendations in approaching unique situations. The FASC is extremely successful in identifying errors in financial statements and overall business practices, that accounting firms have reported less instances of fraud or errors in communication with stockholders and government institutions. Having a standardized code for accounting practices has helped many firms in conducting correct and ethical business. 

My firm has needed this databases on many occasions. Most recently was the decision by the New York Court that the Metropolitan Commuter Transportation Mobility Tax (MCTMT) was passed unconstitutionally. The tax was approved without the majority of state interest and was therefore called into question by the New York Department of Taxation and Finance. [3]. This scandal was brought to attention by my firm through news headlines regarding the situation, but this situation was previously undocumented by existing taxation guidelines. Will the MCTMT continue to take effect? Will taxpayers be penalized for not filing though it was deemed unconstitutional? Within a week, the FASC had updated the system with guidelines on the recommended course of action for tax professionals. FASC advised that those who have always paid the tax should continue to do so until the courts officially decides on the legality of the tax. 

Answers to Questions: 
1What specific challenges does your database system implementation have?

One of the main challenges from using the FASC is the controversy that can be created from developing a 'standard' in accepted accounting principles. Businesses are often as unique as individuals, with differing opinions and ideas about ethical business and correct conduct. Therefore, it is always impossible to please everyone, but by creating a 'standard' principle, it can be easier for firms and government institutions to communicate and agree on certain points of interest. 

2.  In what ways does it provide competitive advantage for the organization using it?

A business that uses FASC is always going to have the competitive advantage over one that does not. The FASC provides current standards on accounting principles and conduct and will therefore be in possession of more knowledge. This will lead to less problems with the government over incorrect forms. For example, if the government decides that the Federal return must be mailed to Washington D.C. after a new date, accounting firms will need to be aware of this knowledge, or they run the risk of filing late returns, making for very unhappy clients. A firm that is not up to date on this information will fall behind and lose clients. 

3. What improvements would you suggest?

The only improvement I can think of is to have major organizations, such state governments, recommend the use of the FASC. If the database is suggested by a government agency that is generally trusted, more businesses will be likely to use it in order to continue good business practices. 

Hardware and Software used in Businesses

In today's world, technological advances are rapidly developing. These technological advances have the potential to vastly improve our lives and businesses, often cutting costs and time without sacrificing quality. Based upon my own business experience, I would implement certain Hardware and software items that I have found make an immense improvement in the workplace. 

1. The first item I would implement would be a Prosystem fx Scanner. These scanners make it possible for the company to go completely paperless. The scanner scans documentation and reads the information and classifies it into pre-existing folders on the specified hard drive. This is essential in helping a company to 'go green', but it also makes searching for documents much more efficient. If all of the company's paperwork is on the computer hard drive, one must simply organize the computer accordingly, and perform a quick search, and nothing is out of reach. 

2. Another important item I would currently implement would be Windows 8. As of now, Windows 8 is the the most secure, the fastest, and the most easily managed software for business to date. Windows 8 has increased security by including a "Secured Boot up" process that ultimately removes the original antimalware and instead takes over to remove drivers deemed 'bad'. This level of security is very new on the market and has been extremely successful in preventing computer hacking. This will secure my business' information, as well as all businesses as the world is turning to the computer as the main source of important information. 

3. Another important addition to implement would be tablets. I believe tablets are not the best for business professionals to use over a desktop computer. Rather, I propose tablets being used for client use within the business. Tablets now have the ability to take credit cards and can be used for the client to input orders from the business on the spot. For example, say the client is at furniture store and see a couch he or she likes but is unavailable in-store. A tablet could be used by the client to view the other couch or perhaps see where it is located at a nearby store. 

4. An imperative software program that all businesses should use is Intuit Quickbooks. Quickbooks is the best software program that allows a company to follow inflow and output of money from different accounts. Keeping an accurate record of expenses and income is vital in the success of a company. With the companies finances easily acceptable, the company can quickly decide on a budget and acceptable spending regarding products, office supplies, and employee bonuses. 

5. Finally, the last software program that I believe all companies should use is Microsoft Outlook. Microsoft Outlook is an email and calendar software that satisfies the very simple need to communicate with others. Microsoft Outlook allows colleagues to send, share, accept or decline events or meetings. In addition, employees on vacation or sick leave can be easily noted in shared calander. Email is also very basic to the technology world today, yet it is still so vital in business operations. Email can be quickly accessed and sorted and provides quick communication between people. 

Social Networking has opened up the doors for companies to communicate faster with it's consumers. In addition, consumers and companies can communicate on a more friendly, casual basis, thus allowing for an easier flow of communication. Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, among others help to bring together individuals and business that would otherwise be lacking in communication. 

I am currently the administrator of marketing and promotion for my firm, which specializes in tax accounting for the entertainment industry. My firm is small and does not have a Marketing department, and therefore my age and ability to quickly learn and aptly use social networking sites made me the prime candidate for handling my company's Facebook and Twitter account. As I have already been involved in using social networking to enhance my business, I can give these examples for this assignment. 

My company specializes in clients that are well-known in the entertainment and sports industries. Therefore, we deal with clients who are high-profile. In dealing with these clients, my company is heavily involved in the flow of entertainment news that interests the general population. However, my company also does tax accounting for individuals and businesses that are located locally as well. In that regard, our high-profile clients appeal to our 'normal' clients and often attracts business. I created a Twitter and Facebook account that are linked to enhance our client base. 

On the Twitter account, I often post pictures of our accountants with certain clients, with their permission, that intrigue our normal clients. In addition, I often link news articles regarding bands or individuals to promote interest. Our clients who follow us on Twitter and Facebook, a number that is growing by the day, and inevitably tell their friends and family. Spreading knowledge of our 'elite clientele' has increased our number of clients by almost 15% since we have logged onto Twitter and Facebook. People simply think that is cool to have the same accountant that their favorite singer or band has. 

In my company's case, I used Social Networking to enhance client knowledge of the industry we engage in. This tactic relies mostly on word of mouth, however it has proved successful thus far. 


A System is extremely vague terms for a collection of networks that work simultaneously to collect, filter, and distribute data. The System itself can be large or small, but generally consists of parts that equal a whole to work towards a common goal. Every system includes five main components, which include input, process, output, feedback, and control. (1) In part, these parts work reactively and responsively to one another to continue moving forward.
The best example is the nervous system, located in the body of living organisms. The nervous system is a collection of nerves and cells that communicate with the brain and spinal cord to relay messages to different parts of the body. The nervous system satisfies all of the components that classify a system. For example, the nerve endings are stimulated from an external source such as a hot plate. The nerve cells generate impulses, carried from neuron to neuron, to get to the brain. The nerve impulses are delivered to the brain in order to receive instructions per say on how to react appropriately to the hot plate. The brain senses that your hand is touching something dangerous. Your brain sends neurons down to your hand, causing you to remove your hand before you can be harmed. Therefore, you are not harmed. (2)
This process includes input (nerve cells stimulated), process (impulses being carried to the brain and the brain recognizing that there is pending danger), output (sending impulses to your hand to pull away), feedback (your hand receiving the impulse to pull away), and control (your hand pulling away and avoiding harm).
Another example of a system is involved in a new technology that was recently introduced to my firm. I work at an Accounting firm that is interested in going paperless.  To achieve this, my firm bought a machine that scans tax documents, among other relevant documents, into a program installed on the computer. The program then reads the document, saves it into our hard drive, and goes even further as to attaching the documents and its information into the tax program, directly into the individual’s return. This new technology is a good example of a system because it scans the information on the documents, processes it in the hard drive, and adds it into the tax program and inputs the numbers into the correct fields. The result is a return that saves the step of inputting the numbers, leaving only the work of analyization, which can only be done by an accountant. (3).
In conclusion, systems are not only relevant for businesses or software. In fact, systems occur in daily life because the communication of different systems is often required to make even the simplest of tasks happen. Systems are required for breathing, maintaining life, as well as making businesses work more efficiently. Systems are vital to understand when interpreting the world.


Thursday, July 11, 2013

Value of an IS

One type of information processing is Mobile commerce or m-commerce. This type of information system is extremely important into the present and future business world. Mobile commerce allows transactions to be conducted anywhere, at anytime, thus increasing overall profits. Mobile commerce is extremely important in producing revenue because it appeals to consumers on a quick and immediate basis and ultimately allows more business to be done. Mobile commerce allows input, processing, and output to create feedback for the consumer or business. Input is used perhaps when a business owner is uploading information about a product online or when a consumer is entering information to purchase an item. Processing is included in Mobile commerce when a customer enters information to purchase an item. The information entered is transformed into the purchase of an item. Output is involved in Mobile commerce can be used to create a receipt for a purchase made. Finally, feedback results when an item is delivered to a consumer.